
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hide your Secret Folders or Files in Windows

This tutorial is about how to hide your secret folders or files in Windows. This could be useful if you want to show your computer to someone or someone is using your computer temporarily and you do not want to share your secret folders or files. There are freeware available in the market to do this using different technique. If you do not like to install any of those as some of those freeware may not be safe; there are 2 easy ways you can do it by yourself in Windows:

  1. Use hidden folder and hide hidden folders
  2. Hide folder name and use blank icon

Check the video tutorial for details of these 2 options. If you know about any other way to do this, please use the comment section and share with everyone.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Excel - Alignment, Merge Unmerge & Wrap Text

This tutorial is to cover different commands available in the Alignment section under home tab of Microsoft Excel. Vertical alignment options top, center, bottom and horizontal alignment options left, center, rights are shown with example. Also use of wrap text, orientation, margin or indentation of data inside cell is covered. Another important thing that is covered in this tutorial in details is merge and unmerge cells. Difference between “Merge & Center”, “Merge Across” and “Merge Cells” is explained clearly with easy example.  
Also at the end there is a “Tip Of The Session” showing how to quickly generate sequential numbers in Microsoft Excel. 
So check this video tutorial for details of Alignment, Merge Unmerge & Wrap Text in excel. If you have any question I will be happy to assist you. Please use the comment section to share your question comment and suggestion.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Excel Basics - Format Cells - Font and Borders

This is another Microsoft Excel basic tutorial. In this tutorial we can learn about formatting cells using fonts and cell borders. Also at the end of the tutorial there is a useful excel tip.

Formatting cells in Microsoft Excel is very important in order to show data in meaningful way and to provide better presentation. This tutorial will give us idea about how to work with fonts and borders. It shows one of the cool features of Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2010 where we can preview data before applying a font. It also includes how to work with customized cell borders, border colors and border styles along with all predefined borders.

Some hot keys:
Bold : CTRL + B
Italic : CTRL + I
Underline : CTRL + U

So check this video tutorial for the details of font and borders for formatting a cell. If you have any question/ comment/ suggestion; please use the comment section to reach me.